Saturday, June 14, 2008

Bought Ezra and portfoilo update

Bought Ezra @2.7 on 10 June 2008.

Boring Portfoilo as of 13 June 2008
Asia Enterprises
Courage Marine
China Sky

Overall, Boring Portfolio had dropped 10.4% as of to-date as compared to STI which had dropped 13.95% since Jan 2008. (Jan Opening 3462.69, 13 Jun Closing 2979.56)


Anonymous said...

Most of ur stocks have high correlation to the market influence


Courage Marine is heavily influenced by BDI. Shd BDI dip over the nxt few years. Ur Ratios will all disintegrate. Do you have a backup plan for these kinda stocks?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for dropping by abuden.

Upfront, I am not concerned by how the economy performs or the direction of Baltic Dry Index. My primary concern is inflation which erodes earning.

I believe good business will still remain good business regardless of economy direction.